Friday, April 10, 2009


-credit to Lensa Qalb -

In a lovely evening stroll, a little boy asked his grandpa – which he fondly called “Aki” – “Aki, people said, life’s journey is going to be winding and far, far away ahead filled with uncertainties. So Aki, I’m wondering, how far is too far?”

With his typical-expected gesture – halting on his ground whilst at the same time clearing his throat, as if about to spit out something more than he could chew – Aki murmured steadily “Not far… it’s just another step ahead!”

At that time, the little boy did not grasp anything from what Aki just said – pretending it was another mumbo-jumbo spoken by adults.

Now, since 12 years had passed the memory still knocking and aching on the boy’s mind that he couldn’t help to give it a thought and here it is, at this very moment, being translated to this writing!

And to my surprised, what Aki said was indeed practically logic – so, up to this moment, you should know where I got the wits. LOL.

Here is an example of it, let say, some people are to travel to Hawaii - one of my must-visit place - their first impression would be, Hawaii is very far away & how on Earth can we travel there with just a couple of steps ahead as Aki implied? Of course, literally it's ridiculous but wait, look at this scenario.

In this case, some might take the plane to straight away flew to the USA, where for the entire journey, all of the entertainment & access towards technology i.e. the internet, computers etc are all being cut off, leaving the passengers to be in their deepest & greatest state of monotonous lives!

And some may be started to sail away from Klang Port by means of sea cruises where they are all being entertained with luxuries & all types of the wildest indulgences you ever imagined, but, sadly to say, their resource of daily needs i.e. their food, drinks, clothes, medicinal supplements are being limited & all of them are lacking of those needs when they are about to reach Hawaii.

While, some may begin to do the packing and reservation bookings as they rush into the market preparing for enough rations to aid them in their backpacking endeavor - imagine also they are exciting enough to tell the whole neighborhood of their departures, you know first timer. All the way, they are all enveloped with the excited thought of reaching Hawaii - notice also the fact that they have to at least passed a number of continents such as the Middle East & Europe. Not only they managed to be in USA but at the same time enjoying the breeze of other countries!

Relatively, all of them will make it to Hawaii, supposed to, the only difference is their arrival times.

So, if we were to look at it from all of their perspectives, which one do you think might felt the worse & the longest journey?

And which one of them will forever etched the fond memories of traveling and treasuring it as their best experience?

Both people in the plane & the ship might in reality have the shortest means of reaching Hawaii but deep inside, are they happy?

Is it going to be their best-shortest mode @ the worse-longest boring good-for-nothing experience?

Come to think of it, it's not usually how far @ how hard we tried that matters, but our first few steps & how we feel that counts because our destination may not be that far as it seems if we really do enjoy our journey be it in real live experiences etc. What Aki meant was that a destination/goal/target isn't really matter compared to the very first step to take, direction to follow & the joy of the whole journey - which to me is soothingly true.

Till the next posting.

*It is Good Friday. The very day Lord Jesus being crucified 2009 years ago at Golgotha, Jerusalem and I have faith in Him that Heaven is not too far... it's just another step ahead through Him! Amen.


  1. Some off-topic remark.. hehe.
    From history records and biblical truths, many scholars agreed that Jesus was crucified on 33 AD.

    Further readings here:

    Anyway, blessed Good Friday and Easter to you, Don !

  2. Just managed to reply to u this late.. ha2. nway, same goes to u. all the best for final!


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