Monday, February 23, 2009


Ever heard someone saying “… it’s ok. No problem. Leave that matter to us, we’ll surely get them settle!” Sounds pretty assuring eh? You better watch out because you may be caught in this state of what I called “SS” a.k.a. “Shock Sendiri” – been a victim for several times already.

To me, they are not going to walk the talk immediately but mostly sort of, talk – with full gusto, trying to impress – and then walk straight away! And you? Are left far behind beyond horizon waiting eagerly for the so-called help which in the very first place was never yours.

Of course not all are doing these but I am directing this critic to those out there who mischievously doing their job without accountability. I believe, with one goof-off, will definitely louses up the whole lot.

Are we happy to expose our deficiencies in public? Surely not.

I often chuckled at our enthusiasm; good that we have it, but insufficient to be used, leaving us with leftovers – where in time will paralyzed our hard work and determination when left off course. We are often watered in abundance that we don’t know how to appreciate a little.

Meaning to say, we are having too much zeal that we can’t figure out what to do with them – leading us to phrases that only soothe the present but blinded by the past and neglecting the future.

It’s not that hard to mimic though, anyone can talk nicely, gesturing looking good to each other but off-stage, everything was just another play. I think this year’s Academy Award should be given to those hypocrites – even Meryl Streep should practice more!

In no time, we will be likening to Shakespeare’s poor player that struts and frets upon a clumsy stage – we by choice have chosen. In the end, it’ll be heard no more. What a lifetime qualms for just mere flash savor…

So, the next time you are to encounter this kind of situation, don’t be hastily “SS”. Ask whether we are “walking the talk” @ just “talk, and walk”. I prefer the former – which you should too.

C’mon peps, I believe we are better than this. The more we sweat now – correcting this misunderstanding – the less we’ll feel sorry for our generations in future.

Gaylord Nelson concluded it very well when he said “… the ultimate test of man’s conscience maybe his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generation whose words of thanks will not be heard”.

Till the next posting.


  1. yet another meaningful post. i'm sure majority of the "ss" ppl just simply forgotten wat they have talked. but the talk and walk ppl is just unforgivable. of course they don't owe anyone anything,but empty promises is just as bad.

    anyway, u noe *that * that * that assignment ar...can lend me ar? i wanna copy...erhemm.., i mean refer to... i'm sure you are the "walk the talk kind", rite? :P (jjk dude)

  2. That's the case dennis. u see, it's really hard to be "good" u know - no wonder, so many ppl chose to be bad!

    Looking forward to hear from u in the next posting.


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