Monday, May 16, 2011


It's been a while again since the last posting. You bet, research work people and that makes it all round. Anyway, I just could not help to post this brief piece in response to the video I stumbled upon in Youtube moments ago. I guess it's most timely to be shared now than later, in conjunction with the Mother's Day that is (supposed to be last week).

The video was so moving that suddenly, beyond control, I felt droplets of warm water slide down my cheek (must be the effect of changing weather here in Fukuoka, perhaps).

My version of correspondence.

Dear Mum & Dad,
When you both get old, that'll remind me of my age too,
Can I be great parents like both of you?
In case you're loosing your eyesight,
Would you pass me the family baton of light,
Cheering me up the entire fight?
When your hearing forsake you,
Know that this little one is always beside you!

When your knees get weaker and your mind goes asunder,
Would you share half the pains and double the joy together?
For all that you've thought me to be,
Now that I am he - please bear with me.

The smell of childishness still linger in me,
It somehow brings back the memories,
The ordeals you faced when I was still a crybaby,
That first step I took when I crossed destiny,
The many times you endlessly thought me ABC...
Learning Music, Maths, Algebra & Geometry,
But above all,
You make the very best out of me,
You've inspired and gave me the opportunity!
To breathe, live and savor life's precious gift.

I'll make time, no matter how hectic life may be,
I'll sing for you the best melody,
I'll share the latest stories,
For I know, all you need is just moments with me.

Do not feel sorry that you both are old,
I'm one lucky fella compared to all,
To call you my parents while my friends lost theirs,
Help me to cherish oh God this time with cheers!
For what's a FAMILY if there's no clue,
Father And Mother, I Love You!

As you gets older, more precious you'll be...
Old is gold, they said but you're more than jeweleries,
When the time comes and the season ripes,
Everything seems bleak, my privilege denied,
Holding your hands, I thanked The Creator,
Giving me you both as Father & Mother.

One thing I'm certainly to utter,
Though seldom much to hear,
Until that day comes nearer,
Dad & Mum, I love you both - that's for sure!

Your son,
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