Thursday, January 7, 2010


Typical-flaccid Malaysia is in uproar again - thanks to demo'crazy'! This time the stretch is induced by the circulation of the so-called 'confusion' in the use of the word "ALLAH" by the Catholic weekly published local magazine, Herald.

The spat began when the usage of the word "ALLAH" used in the magazine was wade public by one of the local media. The issue dragged for quite a time and ended up in the High Court favoring the former. However, some of the Muslim Malays are in the view that the decision of the court was uncalled for that the use of the word may confused the public. The situation slides down abruptly when some group of individuals threaten up to organize riots to manifest their protest.

Now, I am not a theologian or an ustaz to comment but what can I say are inscribed in those words below:

1. The Herald magazine is published on weekly basis, meaning "ALLAH" was not being used yester week nor the week after, but for the rest of these time as well, so, why make it a fuss now?

2. The word "ALLAH" is the translation of the word God. Is "ALLAH" exclusively for Muslims and God is meant to be for the Non-Muslims only?

3. Having a chit-chat with a friend of mine, a Muslim, is truly meaningful. Here's part of our discussion of which he said "... No body who is sane enough to understand the teaching of Islam is going to be confused with the word "ALLAH" with other religion. Only our politicians got 'confused' and that's why this things happened... I'm fully aware what the first chapter of The Holy Quran said and it's clearly not The Lord's Prayer!" That's what I called a true Muslim who knows his religion well.

4. You see, the only person getting 'confused' all this while are some politicians who played their cards off-stage to provoke tension in the community - and seriously, we fall for it?

5. Don't we all believed in one true God? At least, that's what I am thought about religion. If that is it, therefore, it make great sense then, that others should called Him by the same name because there is no other God. Don't you think?

6. There's no need for street protest whatsoever because if one really have that ample time 'demon'strating on roads with this issue, why not take issues like child abuse, drugs trafficking, pre-marital sex, corruptions etc. which are happening right in front of our eyes every day seriously by rioting? That'll make you 'God'ly!

Again, I strongly feel that this matter should not be brought up to court at all at the first place, both Muslims and Christians alike, who believed in God must do some quick check on ourselves first because the way I see it, we're just as equally none better than others in handling this matter by letting the court decides when it comes to religious affair. Isn't that clearly a political move? You bet!

Till the next postings.

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