Saturday, June 13, 2009


This posting is merely updates regarding current issues happening around us every day. Like it or not, the fact that the future is wobbled completes the query itself.

Firstly, the world is shocked with the incessant growth of the Swine Flu H1N1 (here) that has been declared to be a global pandemic by WHO.
"On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 6 in response to the ongoing global spread of the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus. A Phase 6 designation indicates that a global pandemic is underway"

Malaysia is among the countries which has been affected with the first case to be found in K.L. (news) Though assurance is made by the Ministry of Health that confirms the case, cross-national travel within country is even compromised.

On top of that, public whining continue to arise when recently the price of fuel started to increase to $70 per barrel. When fuel price increased, other sectors that demand oil utility will hit the mark. This includes the transportation fee i.e. taxi, airplane and public transports fares. Most importantly, vehicle's fuel price and daily groceries need will also increase.

Besides that, the country is also being affected by the haze problem that clouded the clear metropolitan sky as a result of the annual farm burning and hot temperatures that arises up to 38 Celsius. The fuss is much felt when one day, I was all sweating heavily even though I was leaving the shower for just about 5 minutes!

Worse still, with the current global economic crisis that believed to worsen in the next quarter - how can one secure a penny when all these problems occur simultaneously? Is there any room for statement like "Oh, why bother?"

Logically, this is the appropriate time to sink ourselves into deep perusal where every family should plant their hays when the sun still shine. As the saying goes, its better to be prepared now than to be sorry later!

So, is there still pieces of hope for us? I wanted to believe that YES there is waiting for us to embrace. Its all about how we endure and expect the best out from it!

I want to relate those issues with the famous story of a bird that travels north avoiding cold winter breeze. As he was passing by a farm, he planned to stop for a nap. Suddenly, the farmer's cow dropped piles of dung on top of the bird. The bird felt warm by the dung, was all excited till he jumped happily miles of the ground. Noticing the little birdie was a hungry stray cat that has been left out with no food. Hence, the cat used that opportunity to offer help to the birdie with a secret plan on mind. When the bird is freed, the cat ate him!

Morals of the story are simple:
  1. Not everyone that dropped piles of dung on you is evil.
  2. Not everyone that saved you from piles of dung is good.
  3. Lastly, let's not be neither the bird, cow nor the cat.

Till the next posting.

1 comment:

  1. yeap,

    this is a chance for us to test our capability and capacity, to endure, to survive and to plan and take action in spite all these issues that surround us, let not see these things as a problem BUT a challenge to us...

    we have to be tough

    even in darkness, light come to those who believe... and

    believe create faith and faith moves mountain..


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