Friday, December 25, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009

With the translucent-seductive-well-played-manner of the music that jingles through our ears, "Jingle Bells" seems to suggest a carefree, fun and joyful life one should take. Almost the same as Timon & Pumbaa's "Hakuna Matata" in The Lion King.
However, joke aside, LIFE isn't a BELL after all. No matter how much you tried, it'll ceased to jingle. Too much a force, your bell may be broken into pieces and likewise, too low a force exerted, it's voice dampen. That's the reality of our so-called "bells".
It is quite alarming to hear that most people considered richness, health, dreams etc. to be their greatest gifts of all and worse still, quite a number mentioned about money, power, lust, drugs, sex etc. Well honestly, I don't have the authority to pass judgments for at the end of the day, it is all our choices. Both of us may be right or wrong.
But, don't you think it's quite straight-forward notwithstanding to consider life itself to begin with? Something is missing and that is indeed the greatest of all. Our "bells!" Yep, LIFE itself. Can't you see peps, should you not being born, would you be who you are right now? Will richness, love, family, money, sex etc. come had you not coming to this world first? Perhaps, they may be counted in the other realm but as for now, I'm pretty sure that to be able to have the opportunity to live life as it is, I'm truly grateful!
Since it is Christmas, I would earnestly remind both you and myself about how Christ had jingled his "bell" very well that it surely was, is still and forever echoes till eternity. You see, He didn't need neither The Big Ben in London nor The Big Clock Tower of Notre Dame in Paris to do so, He simply jingled his, and the chimes follows endlessly.
Hence, it is not where was the last time your bell jingled but when? Me? There's a whole lot of walk-the-talk grabbing and renewal of hope in my window of soul lately - and that's when I know my jingle bells are coming in right all the way as 2010 approaches!
Till the next postings.
Friday, December 4, 2009
As we struts and frets along side the roads, almost everywhere the very essence of the season's gestures can be felt whether you are in the midst of a bustling 'pasar malam' street or inside the biggest supermarket itself. Everyone, everywhere seems to be in merry-making.
However, let us also be reminded that far beyond these, there are more to be felt and seen. Whilst celebration and joy are good, let us at the same time not to forget on to count our blessings, thanking the almighty creator for everything. Yes, everything! And that only cause you a simple "THANK YOU"

Some may say, since everything is countless, why bother counting? In that case, take a look at these:
1. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world. "If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.
2. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness....you are more blessed than the many who will not even survive today.
3. If you never experienced the fear in battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture or the pangs of starvation... you are ahead of the other 700 million people in the world.
4. If you can attend a place for worship without the fear of harassment and arrest, you are far more blessed and envied by 3 billion people who never know who God is.
5. If your parents are still alive and married.... consider yourself to be rare because out of 10 marriages, 8 of them come to no avail.
6. If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm! Why? Because you are unique to those who thirst for happiness and in state of sorrow and despair.
So, what now?
If you have read this message, consider yourself lucky! For you just received double blessing as someone is caring enough to think of you as very special and you are more blessed than over 2 billion people who can't read at all!
Have a good day and don't forget to count your blessings. Till the next postings.